Categories Health & Fitness

Unilateral Osteoarthritis and treatment with orthosis

Unilateral osteoarthritis and treatment with orthosis! Osteoarthritis is the commonest type of arthritis, affecting more than 30 million adults in the United States alone. Osteoarthritis ia a progressive degenerative disorder or a degenerative joint disease as it leads to the slow breakdown of the bones and cartilage within a joint. OA usually affects the knees, hips, and hands and causes symptoms including pain, stiffness, impaired motion, and swelling. Your bones become brittle and the natural collagen which helps in joint movement and increase muscle mass becomes weak and this loss leads to joint pain. Some people get OA in just one knee, which is known as unilateral OA.

Bilateral knee arthritis occurs when both knees are affected with OA. OA is a painful, degenerative condition that can reduce your mobility and make daily tasks difficult to manage & moreover hampers your Quality Of Life. Complex ligamentous instability with unilateral osteoarthritis is extremely hazardous and impair mobility in daily activities be it at work, home or any other physical activity! Generally the condition varies from minor to severe stage with passage of time. In such cases you need to consult a physician or an orthpedist. Recovery from surgery may take several weeks and requires patience and discipline with continuous physical and occupational therapy to regain full mobility. Rehabilitation exercise & therapy help in getting back to stand on your legs and increase mobility as suggested by your physician. Besides prescriptive medications, your physician might suggest for a rigid knee orthosis for Post-operative pressure relief after cartilage surgery, meniscus refixation or post-operative care of knee instability.

Knee orthosis offers optimum protection, stabilisation, pain relief and later stages in restoring mobility of knee due to effective varus / valgus pressure exerted close to the knee joint. Study reveals Varus malalignment of the knee has been implicated as a major contributing factor to knee OA progression and valgus unloading knee braces may help reduce medial knee loading in varus deformity; and subsequently improve pain and movement function. Stability and balance are of utmost importance especially in elderly patients whos are susceptible to greater risk for falls, and unloading braces can stabilize the joint and significantly improve balance. For detailed information on Knee orthosis, sole importer & distributor of Orthopedic products from medi covering a dealer strength of 400+ and a network comprising of 140+ cities, follow the link @

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