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Perfect knee support for muscular imbalances & Patella maltracking

Perfect knee support for muscular imbalances & Patella maltracking

Does your knee develops sore while you’re walking or running! Does it hurt after standing up from an extended period of sitting or walking downstairs? It is quite hard to pinpoint the source of pain it is coming from the knee or behind the knee cap. You may be suffering from a condition known as Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome that is quite a common ailment plaguing athletes & especially runners.

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) also known as runner’s knee is a common symptom of knee pain affecting people engaged in sports & athletics. It causes pain around and under the knee cap. Almost any individual is at risk of developing this disease. But it is particularly affected by runners, cyclists, and hikers, as well as office workers who have to be engaged in their specific profession for a living, and this condition results from overuse of joints. This symptom is quite common among teens.

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (Runner's Knee): Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments - Avid Sports Medicine

It has been noticed and studied worldwide that almost 40% of cyclists, hikers will probably get anterior knee pain at one point in their time in life. But the risk mainly lies with the runners who are highly prone and victim of Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome and by far the common of all runner knee injuries due to constant running and participating in the marathon.

The majority of the people recover from Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome with rest as suggested by the physician (an orthopedic surgeon) and gradually resuming their way back to normal activity. But the scenario is not the same as everyone.

Such type of knee pain or runner’s knee is extremely resistant to treatment response and the condition becomes seriously cramping style chronic pain problem.

So Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome is a pain that mainly feels like a pain at the front of the knee specifically on the outer side of the knee or somewhere around the edges of the knee cap. Pain can be felt on both knees. The pain is felt worse when climbing stairs, hills, running, or sitting for an extended period of time.

In most cases, the pain is not severe and the problem often withers with physical therapy as suggested by your health specialist. Knee pain is a common symptom but it is quite a trick to find proper self-help to this indication. Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome is one of the most misunderstood of all knee pain complaints because this indication is associated with runners who are prone to this condition. There are countless shallow webpages all over the net dealing with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome with repeated points being oversimplified without giving a proper solution to this malady. Doctors and therapists are working round the clock to unravel the secrets of Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome and a proper remedy to prevent the deterioration of the condition. Sports medicine is quite primitive and considering the condition, there is little doubt considering the potentiality behind its treatment.

You might think elite athletes with a huge audience base might be drawing huge attention. The situation is improving a bit but it has a long way to go.

So under such a situation, you need to consult an orthopedic surgeon who will discuss the source of pain and take the history of the ailment and thereupon suggest a few diagnostic tests like X-Rays, MRI scans to check the condition of the knee, patella, and the joints & thereby detect the exact source of the pain.

Your doctor will be prescribing medications, NSAIDs besides suggesting rest, rehabilitation exercises focusing on correct alignment, working on core stability, and introducing more dynamic control exe3rcises while standing, and last but not least will also suggest for use of knee supports.

Therefore you should consult your doctor and opt for Knee support to offer muscular balance in instances of Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome in cases of hypermobile patella, patella lateralization & muscular imbalances.

Knee supports lend a positive effect on muscular structures that enable the patella to compensate for the muscular imbalance. Supports reduce the muscle tone of vastus lateralis and activate vastus medialis. The support also offers proprioceptive compression for the stabilization of the joints. Once the pain is reduced you will be gradually returning to the normal course of life. But the pin has been reduced as the inflammation has subsided. The healing of the cartilage behind the knee cap is rather slow due to poor blood supply in the affected area and takes a longer phase for structural repair of the cartilage. So you need to put on the knee support unless the cartilage has healed completely.

To further explore in details a broad range of exclusive products covering conservative treatment for pain from Patellofemoral pain syndrome, muscular imbalances, or postoperative treatment of patella stabilization, it is to be noted that PMIPL has earned a significant reputation in health-care & wellness to stand apart as sole Importer & Distributor of reputed orthopedic products offering a wide variety of choices easily accessible across Rehab clinic, wellness chains, Reputed pharmacies, and major Distributors & Suppliers for your tailored needs. With a strong PAN India presence and its Head Office ideally located at the heart of KOLKATA covering a major dealer strength of 400+ and a wide network comprising of 140+ cities.

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