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Knee orthosis for conservative care of ligament rupture

Collateral ligament rupture or instability! The hazards and treatment with functional rigid braces

It is of paramount importance to decipher and realize that the knee is often referred to as the most mobile joint of human body. It is also the most complex joint and is subjected to large force of pressure during any physical activity or sports. High action sports like soccer, rugby, wrestling, tennis and other contact sports involve overuse that puts too much pressure on the joints especially the knees and the ankle. These forces like stress and overuse of joints are resisted by a number of structures including the five main static restraints of the knee.

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One of the principal causes of ruptures of PCL injury (Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury) is Car accidents when the knee directly hits the dashboard with significant impact of force and the other incident is injury or rupture from cross country ski when the knee is highly impacted from high altitude wild falls. It’s to be noted that injured knee if left untreated by a medical professional for long period of time can impair mobility.


The posterior cruciate ligament or PCL extends from back of the tibia to the front of the femur inside the knee. It prevents the tibia from going backwards when hit from the front and guides the rotation of knee in synchronization with the ligaments that surround the knee. Over the years orthopedic surgeon strived to fix the PCL injury but with no effective result. Surgeons advised the patients to live with PCL injury of ligaments as repair or reconstruction was quite difficult. As a result without effective treatment or surgery, the knee degrades over time, with arthritis setting in causing utter discomfort, pain and immobility ensuring knee replacement as the only option.

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There are numerous incidence of injury that can affect the knee tendons & ligaments from sports, daily activities and high physical movements and too much use or overuse of joints that trigger the problem. Torn ligaments in patients suffering from Knee complaints are a result of the below main factors:


ACL Injury – This ligament runs diagonally through the middle of the knee and serves to support and stabilize the three bones that meet in the knee joint. An ACL injury is referred to as a ‘sprain’. Sprained knee symptoms are caused by minor ACL injury that include tenderness and swelling.

PCL Injury – The posterior cruciate ligament stabilizes the tibia and prevents it from being bent too far backward. A traumatic injury to the front of the knee (if the knees are bent) might lead to PCL tear. Such tears are partial and can heal with mild treatment or without any treatment.


There are various grades of PCL Pain that can be summarized as follows:

  • Grade One

Generally, in Grade One sprain, the Posterior Cruciate Ligament is damaged to a small extent due to sudden twist or turn of the knee as is the case in light sports and activity. Most likely your knee will be slightly stretched or slightly pulled from friction or too much stretching in sports like football, soccer or baseball. Grade one injuries are mild and heal on its’ own as the Posterior Cruciate Ligament is quite capable enough to retain the ability to stabilize the knee joint even after a minor injury.

  • Grade Two

If the ligament has become loosened as a result of being stretched, the injury is classified as a Grade Two injury, or a partial ligament tear.

  • Grade Three

Grade Three ligament tears are also classified as complete ligament tears. In Grade Three PCL injuries, the ligament is split in two, severely destabilizing the knee joint causing discomfort, pain & immobility.


The most common types of PCL injuries that patients undergo are Grade One and Two. These are small sprains and partial tears. An examination by your orthopedic doctor or a specialist will determine which grade your posterior cruciate ligament injury in tendon belongs to and what specialized treatment methods will be advised to properly address and correct your knee injury.

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Therefore it is extremely crucial to consult an orthopedic surgeon or a sports ortho specialist to have these injuries examined thoroughly for a proper treatment plan for a safer & faster recovery. You should therefore consult an Orthopedic Surgeon for a remedy to such ligament injury in knee patients. Your physician will discus at length on nature of the problem of the knee, check your gait, take details of your family history and suggest for few routine tests like X-RAY, MRI scan to properly detect the nature and extent of the injury of the knee, the ligaments and the tendon. Thereafter he will suggest medication including NSAIDs, rest, compression, elevation, ice and might well suggest for use of functional rigid brace with flexion extension limitation as a course for conservative treatment of ligament rupture/tear of the knee. Soft braces help in stabilization of the knee and prevent sideways movement that may increase chances of ligament damage and prevent healing thereby increasing the chances of knee sprain recovery time. Treatment of Cruciate Ligament tear or rupture aims to relieve pain, discomfort and stabilize the knee to restore optimum performance and mobility of the joint. Medical knee braces provide the much needed support and help alleviate pressure off the joint. Braces certainly play a crucial role in recovery process of acute and postoperative procedures.


You should therefore opt for a knee orthosis that offers control of anterior and posterior tibial glide and stabilization of collateral ligaments.


To further explore in details on a broad range of exclusive products covering treatment for ruptures and or instability of collateral ligaments and conservative care for instability of knee joint, it is to be noted that Pushpanjali medi India Pvt Ltd has earned a significant reputation in healthcare & wellness to stand apart as sole Importer & Distributor of reputed orthopedic products offering a wide variety of choices easily accessible across Rehab clinic, wellness chains, Reputed pharmacies and major Distributors & Suppliers for your tailored needs. With a strong PAN India presence and it’s Head Office ideally located at the heart of KOLKATA covering a major dealer strength of 400+ and a wide network comprising of 140+ cities.

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